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Jaye Brown

Thank you for that post. It took me right back to my childhood in New Orleans. We used to go to the Café du Monde on Sunday morning for beignets and chocolate milk. Your description brought it to life and it was like I was sitting there with my parents and my brother under the ceiling fans with the clinking of dishes and the ladies who'd been there for years. We'd follow it up with trips to the dollhouse and kite stores in the Quarter. Some of my greatest memories are from that time.


Oh my gosh: I totally forgot that detail of the ceiling fans! You are so right. I think I remember the kite store -- right there in one of those stores bordering Jackson Square? Thank you for sharing part of your own story. And if you get back, and the beignets are close to what we recall from those days, let me know!

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Musings on the frustrating but amusing gap between the food life I wish I had, and try to obtain and sometimes get when I least expect it, and the one I lead every day as a single working mom.

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