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Loving your photos! Hipstamatic?

This is a FANTASTIC round-up. Thanks for the comprehensive guide; it is reminding me, once again, how much I really need to hit Artisan Bistro. Melvin's is on my list, too.

It's so funny; in the "selective perception" category, I've always thought of Crepes Mille as an Asian fusion trailer and have only tried their Asian-esque offerings. That Parisian sounds so good that I might just have to branch out next time!


Glad the write-up helped! And, yes, I'm sort of a very Hipstamatic gal. To a fault perhaps. Go hungry for that Melvin's little hot mess of le Croque Monsieur!

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Musings on the frustrating but amusing gap between the food life I wish I had, and try to obtain and sometimes get when I least expect it, and the one I lead every day as a single working mom.

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